Honours student, 2017-2018 (co-supervised with Dr Minna Saaristo)
James investigated the impact the antidepressant fluoxetine on boldness and exploratory behaviours and physiology of fish. James is now working as an environmental consultant.
Email: james.tanner@eriasgroup.com
Honours student, 2016-2017
Jack investigated the impact of the antidepressant fluoxetine on the reproductive behaviour of guppies in the presence and absence of predation risk. He is now working as an environmental consultant.
Email: jbfur1@student.monash.edu
Honours student, 2016 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
For his honours, Wes studied behavioural syndromes and sex differences in behaviour in the rainforest sunskink, Lampropholis coggeri.
Honours student, 2015-2016 (co-supervised with Dr Minna Saaristo, ÅBO Akademi University)
Tiarne investigated the impact of the antidepressant fluoxetine on pre and postcopulatory mechanisms of sexual selection in fish. Tiarne is now working at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
Email: tiarne.ecker@gmail.com
Honours student, 2014 (co-supervised with Dr Ulrika Candolin, University of Helsinki)
Isaac investigated the effect of an invasive shrimp on male parental behaviour of three-spined stickleback in the Baltic Sea. Isaac is now working as a senior public servant in Canberra.
Email: isaac.gravolin@gmail.com
Honours student, 2014 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
For her honours project, Brooke investigated the impact of tail loss (both complete and partial tail loss) on the behaviour of the delicate skink, using a behavioural syndromes approach. Brooke is now a registered nurse.
Honours student, 2014 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
Shannon compared urban and non-urban populations of the delicate skink from the Sydney region to examine whether urban populations are bolder and are more likely to respond to novelty. Shannon now works for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
Honours student, 2013-2014 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
Jack investigated sexual differences in behaviour in the mosquitofish, focusing on repeatability of behaviours and behavioural syndromes. He found that there were differences in the repeatability of behaviours related to invasion success, and that correlations between behaviours were present. Sex differences in behaviour were also detected. Jack is now working at a bank.
Honours student, 2013-2014 (co-supervised with Dr Minna Saaristo, Åbo Akademi University)
Alisha investigated the impact of pharmaceutical contaminants on anti-predator behaviour in fish. Alisha is now working as a senior communications officer at the Australian Government Department of Human Services.
Honours student, 2012 (co-supervised with Dr John Morrongiello, CSIRO)
Matt investigated life-history trade-offs between the expression of female sexual ornaments and egg size/fecundity in sex-role reversed pipefish. Matt is now living and working in the UK.
Honours student, 2009-2010
Amy investigated male reproductive investment in the southern bottle tail squid. Since then she has completed a PhD at the University of New South Wales.
Honours student, 2009-2010
Emma investigated vocal communication and signal reliability in common marmosets.
Honours student, 2009-2010 (co-supervised with Dr Adrian Dyer)
Skye studied the interactions between Australian native bees and flowering plants. Her recently published honours research on the influence of bees in the evolution of flower colouration in Australia has attracted widespread media attention.
Honours student, 2009-2010 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
Sarah conducted several laboratory experiments to examine the social and exploratory behaviour of the delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata) and the garden skink (L. guichenoti). Several behavioural differences were identified that might act to improve the success of the delicate skink during the introduction process. Sarah is currently working as a science communicator.
Honours student, 2009
Lexie investigated environmental variation affecting parental care in the Australian desert goby. After spending several years living in the UK, Lexi is now back in Australia working as an environmental consultant.
Honours student, 2008-2009 (co-supervised with A/Prof Phil Byrne)
Leo examined multimodal signalling in humans. He learnt all about the fantastic software available for generating faces and recording voices. After completing a PhD, Leo is now working for the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
Honours student, 2008-2009
Nick investigated parental care in the Australian desert goby and spent most of his time sifting through hours of video footage or, otherwise, scrubbing fish tanks. His honours work was published in Plos One and was covered in the Mx newspaper.
Honours student 2008 (co-supervised with A/Prof Alan Lill)
Juni worked on roost site selection and anti-predator behaviour in the invasive common myna. She spent most of the time, driving around Melbourne and trying to devise ways to test the anti-predator response of her test subjects.
Honours student, 2007-2008 (co-supervised with Prof David Chapple)
Zac is now working as an environmental consultant and completing a PhD exploring the molecular systematics of Australian crane flies.
Email: Zac.Billingham@ghd.com
Honours student, 2007-2008 (co-supervised with Dr Nick Bond)
Huon investigated habitat selection and behaviour in carp gudgeons. After completing a PhD on fiddler crabs at the Australian National University, Huon relocated to Perth, where he is now working as an environmental consultant on subterranean fauna.
Email: huon.clark@uwa.edu.au
Honours student, 2007 (co-supervised with Jeff Weird, Dolphin Research Institute)
Bec completed her Honours project looking at the impact of boat traffic on acoustic communication in dolphins in Port Phillip Bay in collaboration with The Dolphin Research Institute. Since then, Bec has been travelling the world doing cetacean research. After completing a PhD on killer whales at Curtin University, Bec now works for Project Orca and the Centre for Marine Science and Technology at Curtin University.